Wednesday, October 16


These were clearly defined:

  • The synod as representing the whole body of the church constitutes a bond of union, mutual confidence and love amongst all the congregations and Presbyteries.
  • It is the organ for the expression of the judgment of the whole church, and in obedience to that will to lead the church into life and service.

As the church trusts in the guidance of the living spirit of God it is inexpedient to frame rules in such detail as might hinder the full and free development of an indigenous church.

  • The Synod seeks through its meetings to discover the Will of God for the whole Church, and in obedience to that Will, to lead the Church into fuller life and service.
  • The Synod has the oversight of all the activities of the Church. It deliberates on all matters which concern the whole Church in doctrine, in worship, in discipline and in government; and declares the mind of the Church and legislates thereupon.
  • The Synod receives and disposes of petitions and appeals.

(Regulations, Practice and Procedure Revised Edition 1985 Par 94-99)

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